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Rühle SR1 slicer
Rühle SR1 slicer image 2
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Rühle SR1 slicer image 6
Brand: Rühle
Model: SR1
Type: slicer
Year of manufacture: 2003
Net weight: 325 kg
Location: Poland Warszawa7430 km from you
Placed on: more than 1 month
Machineryline ID: DA41339

More details — Rühle SR1 slicer

The Ruhle SR1 Turbo meat, cheese and vegetable dicer combines productivity of up to 1500kg/h and care for high hygiene standards. It perfectly slices raw, frozen and cooked products, characterized by greater fragility. It combines the characteristics of a meat slice and an diced machine, producing perfect slices and cubes from a variety of foods including sausages, cold cuts and fish.
Innovative knife shape
The basis of the dicer SR1 products is an extremely sharp knife. It has a sickle shape, thanks to which its surface is relatively small in relation to the cutting edge, which allows to reduce the contact of the product with the surface of the knife to a minimum, thereby reducing the risk of jagged or other damage to slices of cut meat, cheese or vegetables. The knife is made of high-strength stainless steel, which allows safe and efficient slicing of bones and frozen products.
Interchangeable cutting grille system
When using the machine as a slicers for diced meat, vegetable cubers or other products requiring this form of slicing, attention is drawn to the possibility of very quick replacement of the cutting grille, and thus – to resize the cubes. This process takes about 10 seconds and is extremely safe – no need to remove or otherwise contact with the cutting knife.
Each cutting grille consists of three parts, the joining of which allows you to quickly modify the size of the cubes – thanks to these combinations you can get as many as thirteen different sizes with a single grille.
Excellent product stabilization
The intelligent pressure system, knife geometry, cutting grilles and chamber of the machine make it cut with millimetre accuracy, while ensuring excellent repeatability and smooth cutting surfaces, even when the sliced products are hard, very dry and brittle or soft. The machine is also equipped with a pressure system, ensuring the formation and holding of the product before cutting.
Thanks to the large chamber, it is possible to cut larger products without pre-cutting, which greatly improves the speed of the whole process. The product is purely mechanical, so that the productivity of the device is always just as high, even when it is hot.
The precision of operation and attention to detail at the design and construction stage make the Ruhle SR1 ideal for both hard and very delicate processing. Thanks to this, it is ideal as a bacon slicer or cheese cuber, which is a product that is particularly vulnerable to damage during cutting.
Hygiene and ease of cleaning
The Ruhle SR1 is built to accurately isolate the product path from the drive parts. This eliminates the risk of any contamination. Also cleaning the machine is very convenient and possible to carry out even in 3 minutes. In turn, the complex construction of the grilles also allows for quick and easy removal of residues after cutting.
La cortadora de dados Ruhle SR1 es un dispositivo que facilita el corte de una gran variedad de productos en cubos uniformes. Gracias a su cuchilla de precisión de acero inoxidable y a los componentes de alta calidad utilizados en su fabricación, la cortadora de dados Ruhle SR1 no sólo es duradera, sino también muy funcional.
La cortadora de dados Ruhle SR1 es ideal para empresas que preparan con frecuencia platos que requieren corte en dados, como ensaladas, guisos o curry. Permite obtener de forma rápida y sencilla cortes perfectamente uniformes de carne, verdura o fruta, ahorrando tiempo y aumentando la eficacia.
Kostkownica Ruhle SR1 to profesjonalny urządzenie, które ułatwia krojenie różnego rodzaju produktów na równomierne kostki. Dzięki precyzyjnemu ostrzu ze stali nierdzewnej i wysokiej jakości tworzywom używanym do produkcji, kostkownica Ruhle SR1 jest nie tylko wytrzymała, ale także bardzo funkcjonalna.
Kostkownica Ruhle SR1 jest idealna dla firm, które często przygotowują potrawy wymagające krojenia w kostkę, takich jak sałatki, gulasze czy curry. Dzięki niej można w szybki i łatwy sposób uzyskać idealnie równomierne kawałki mięsa, warzyw czy owoców, co pozwala na oszczędność czasu i zwiększenie efektywności pracy.

Zasilanie: 400 V 50/60 Hz
marka: Ruhle